Denise and Martha
She/Her She/Her
Lincoln County

"Now we have parties. We invite everybody. We don't just invite one certain group of people, we invite them all. And that makes me very happy"

"Well, what I remember people saying is, you know, you can't, you won't be able to do this, and you won't be able to do that, and, you know, I've graduated high school, I graduated college, I've been in a professional golfer. I've held down several jobs and retired with 20 some years of service. It's, I mean, I have a nice house. I worked hard. I didn't wait for somebody to give me something. I worked hard."
"And the American dream can happen now for anybody, anybody. And I think some people, like my mother used to say that the only gay people she knew of were those that she saw on Jerry Springer in places like that on TV, because that was, that was what we had to look at. So everybody kind of got lumped into a category."