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Kim and Tammy
She/Her She/Her
Shelby County
Marriage Equality Plaintiffs in Obergefell v. Hodges

"But we did for two reasons. One was so that we knew we could take care of each other medically. You know, if one of us was in the hospital or needed medical treatment, that the other one would be able to do that without having an issue. The second reason was the people that were younger than us, that were coming along behind us so they wouldn't have to go through what we went through."
"I've always looked at her like my greatest gift and and I've always compared everybody to her, like and I had a crush on her since we were like teenagers, like 16 so. And every time I would see her, I would be so upset that I'd never have a chance. And I thought, well, I might not lose this chance. So in my head and all that, I thought, Well, I'm just gonna tell her. I'm gonna tell her how I can't let her get away"

"And then there's the stereotype of farmland, farm people, you know, all Trump. You know that's not just the case for real. I mean, my dad was a farmer. I mean, I was raised on a farm. She had horses. We wish that it wouldn't stigmatize that even."
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